Refuse To Comply By Jennie Matthais & John Watkins
3 years ago
A song for 2020:
The year we lost our freedom, rights, lives, jobs, businesses, shops, high street, pubs, clubs, gyms, churches, social clubs, happiness, fun, joy, NHS, doctors, dentists, loved ones, children, liberty, hugs, handshakes, kisses, human conctact.
The year we were forced to wear masks and social distance, and the majority complied.
But all the mask wearing and social distancing did nothing, but caused mental illness, suicide, mass anxiety and more positive cases!!
The truth was in plain sight, but the masses did not see, they still trusted the BBC and the Government who were reading a script written long ago.
The masses believed CV19 was a deadly pandemic, even though the global survival rate was over 99.9%
The masses complied to tyranny and lies.
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