Sorry Antarctica is CLOSED
3 years ago
⁣How many times have you had people say "if the earth is flat then why don't you just go to the ice wall and prove it. This video will show you globe believers why we can't go to the ice wall. The Antarctic treaty stops anyone from freely exploring Antarctica. Hopefully you're not to indoctrinated to see that this is a very suspicious treaty that most countries have signed. I don't believe that this is just a coincidence that the flat earth model says Antarctica is a 360 degree ice wall surrounding the earth and for some reason the governments of the world all agree that nobody can freely explore there. There are many reasons why I now believe the earth to be flat and I have to say the flat earth model just makes much more sense. We know that water always finds it's level and that it has to be contained. The flat earth has all the world oceans contained by Antarctica and that at least makes sense and can be replicated in a real life. If you believe in the globe then you have to just accept what they tell you the world is but really you know it can't ever be proven because in reality water doesn't stick to anything. The globe is like a religion because you have to just believe when you're standing by the ocean that the sea is curving away from you but nobody can actually see it. You have to start using your imagination when you think you're living on a globe with people living upside down from you it's so ridiculous when you think about it. Everything with the globe is imagination and brainwashing with fake video's and pictures everywhere
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