2022-01-16 20.32.22 Part 1 - The President's Address and the Covid Facts
2 years ago
This webinar was conducted by Dr. Faiez Kirsten on 16th January 2022
⁣Please Note: The slide 'Markers of Scientism' (yellow text on black background) is from a presentation given by author on technocracy, Patrick Wood. The term 'satanism' at the bottom of the slide is my addition. I view scientism as satanism based on the tenets of satanism viz.
1. Egoism (The belief that there is nothing higher than oneself. There is no God or Creator of the Universe. The individual is god. Self preservation is the highest priority. One's own interests and the interests of one's group come before all else)
2. Subjective morality (There is no right and wrong. Right is what one says is right. What suits the individual's needs and purposes. One determines what is right and wrong from within one's own mind. For example scientists often experiment on animals causing them great pain and suffering but to them there is nothing wrong with this. It is the right thing to do because it suits their purposes). Objective moralists know that the knowledge of what is right and wrong was bestowed on them by a Higher Power and act accordingly. They don't determine what is right and wrong from within their own minds and based on their whims and preferences.
3. Social Darwinism (The belief that the most socially ruthless are the one's that survive. This belief gives rise to arrogance; the attitude that one is superior to others and so gets to control them. It results in the refusal to accept the truth when it reaches one since these people believe they know it all and there is no truth but theirs)
4. Eugenics (The belief that since one is superior to others one gets to determine who lives and who dies. Adherents of the religion of scientism are at the forefront of the agenda to depopulate the planet via many different methods)

(William Penn)
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