2020-12-18 09-43-20
⁣This video speaks for itself!

Please don't forget our "SNAP!! IT'S A GIVEAWAY" CONTEST!! In February of 2021, in order to make your New Year a "WEE BIT BRIGHTER" amidst all the gloom and doom we all must surely be going through, we here at VNN will be giving away 4 top prizes!! The first three will be EDEC bags that will help protect your privacy as well as add to your preps for protecting your electronics in case of an IMP attack. The fourth will be a vintage bottle of Madeira wine! This contest is open to everyone and NO you don't have to subscribe to my channel to win, nor do you have to comment! Just go over to our website at: veritasnewsnetwork.com and hit the "contact us" icon fill out your name, email and put contest entry in the message box. You may also enter by emailing us directly at: [email protected].

Please follow us over on:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/veritasnewsne...

BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0rav...

Brand New Tube: https://brandnewtube.com/@TheBaroness...
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