The Great Global Warming Swindle • 2007
2 years ago
⁣The 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate is Another SCAM to Ripoff Taxpayers and Enrich the Elite, Politicians.
The Great Global Warming Swindle challenges the current premise of global warming, suggesting that the chief cause of climate change is not human activity, but changes in radiation from the sun. Scientists in the film set forth scientific and historical proofs to support their arguments and claim that global warming advocates have created a mass hysteria that has no basis in reality. They also examine the censorship and intimidation experienced by dissenting scientists perpetrated by political and environmental activists who have an economic stake in the debate. The film also looks at the economic costs of a movement to discourage development in third world countries by those who claim industrializaton is a primary cause of global warming. Special features (79 min.) : Climate history; sea levels, CO2; Industrial society; IPCC; Political science; Al Gore and malaria ; Solar; What is to be done?; Our climate future; solar variations and clouds; some real science. Written & directed by Martin Durkin. 2007. 79 min.
Climate Gate: Marc Morano Debunks a Decade of LIES.
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