March 2023: Dr Rashid Buttar details his symptoms & hospitalisation with Sayer Ji & Others
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Dolores Cahill: With deep sadness & In loving Memory of Dr. Rashid Buttar: 20.1.1966 - 18.5.2023: Dr. Buttar lovingly cared for his patients with great insight, compassion & wisdom, & courageously spoke the Truth, including in the past 3 years, saving so many lives.
This video is Dr. Buttar's interview from 13.3.2023 where he details his unusual symptoms & hospitalisation in recent months, extract taken from the full interview: The Censorship-Industrial Complex REVEALED with Ty Bollinger, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Joel Bohemier & Sayer Ji: He will be greatly missed by all those his life has touched & cared for worldwide.
May he rest in peace, mo chomhbhrón, agus ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
Full original interview

Gummy10 - 1 year ago
Ravendark - 1 year ago