How Can the Virus Data Exist if The VIRUS Has NEVER Been Isolated
3 years ago
⁣If the virus has never been isolated then it is scientifically impossible to have ever tested anyone for this virus.

Do you understand what this actually means?

All this hype and statistics is 100% lies.

This claim has been made by endless scientists but no one seems to
listen. The world is brainwashed by the globalist controlled TV and
newspapers. They cannot see what is really happening. It is very obvious
to many of us but the trust society has in the media and their
government is their down fall. We have only a small window to keep our
freedoms. We need society to wake up to the truth. If they don't we will
have a communistic world, China will dominate and control us
permanently. Please research "The Great Reset" type this into the search
bar of Bitcute and you will be shown many detailed videos about what
they plan to do. THey are not hiding it - it is printed clearly on the
"Wolrd Economic Forumns " Website. Its a map to this one world agenda.
Clear as day. Please if you care about your childrens future please what
learn and share through email and social media. Email is better as
there will not be censorship. Youtube, Google, FB, IG, ALL FACT CHECKERS
etc are all puppets for these globalists. Remember that. Bitcute is a
uncensored platform.

Please watch and share all of the other videos in my channel as it is
all connected, this is one big fat plan these globalists have been
working on for over a century. It is important the world wakes asap and
stands up and stops this from happening. Each and everyone who is aware
needs to be sharing and educating others.

Its also good to know who we have in government who is not working
against us so we can support those minorities. THIS IS A GLOBAL AGENDA.
So forget thiking this is just one country, this agenda is to make the
world one controlled by a communist party, we will all have our money
and property removed (they clearly tell us this in plain site just look
on their websites) they want to eventually put us all in "smart cities"
as this will make controlling us all easier.

The future is very sad for our children if this is enabled. We have a
small window of hope lets not let down the future generations.

You will figure it out quickly through my videos who is on our side in government.

Please ensure you play your part.
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