Door To Door DEATH! - Countries Are FORCING JABS & Imprisoning People! - YOUR Country Is NEXT!
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2 years ago
⁣Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest mandate being mulled in the UK as the government contemplates going door to door with vaccine squads to convince people to get jabbed. This is extremely similar to the door to door vaccine squads in the US earlier this year.
On top of this door to door exercise, we see what it devolves into by looking at other countries further along in the agenda worldwide. Austria has begun fining people over the age of 14 $4,000 every month that they don't get the jab. Obviously that is an enormous amount of money for most people and not sustainable, but it will likely force people who then end up defaulting and getting a bad credit score to get the poison injection.
Meanwhile in places like Australia, people are being forced into camps.
We are seeing an inevitable trickle down into complete, crippling tyranny.
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