world health organization, WHO, Big Pharma, james roguski, stop the who, interview

⁣James Roguski - World Health Organization: Two Months to Flatten the WHO

1 K Views - Published on 01 Apr, 2024
James Roguski has been calling out lies and propaganda for decades. He believes it is every person's responsibility to question their most cherished beliefs, challenge claims of authority and disobey unjust laws and that is how we grow while remaining free and maintaining our integrity. In February 2022 the company that had hosted James's websites for over a decade deleted his account and tens of thousands of hours of his work. They gave no reason other than the content violated their “Terms of Service.” They may of deleted many of James's websites, but they ignited his passion to burn even brighter. If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then this interview and James's Substack are the places to be. Connect with James... Substack Website X Interview recorded 29.3.24 Connect with Hearts of Oak... WEBSITE PODCASTS SOCIAL MEDIA SHOP
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