Spirit World on 2020 global agenda - trance medium
3 years ago
⁣08.09.2020 - Monty, a spirit world communicator, discusses current world events with our guest sitter through his trance medium.

During the previous hour of the meeting evidential communication from Anthony, another regular spirit communicator, was presented. Our sitter, Mike, received communication / evidence from a deceased relative - but - here Monty and Mike enter into discussion and it is quite clear that Mike is feeling low about things happening in the world right now.

What is the job of mediumship? Is it not to uplift the spirits and to touch the souls of those people that they meet - we feel it was a job well done.

[email protected]

The Blue Circle in Coventry, UK, began sitting in 2008 as an experimental group. The aim was to see if there was any such thing as a "spirit world" and if there was any truth in afterlife communication. No one had expectations, the aim was to be open minded and allow evidence to speak for itself. No one present could profess to be a medium or a sensitive, but one year into the experiment a circle member unexpectedly fell into an altered state of consciousness, a trance state, and a voice and personality began communicating and instructing us. Over time new communicators with their own individual and consistent personalities started speaking through our member. Non of this was expected but we continued to record, document and follow the instructions given. Since then we have experienced predicted world events, remote viewing, accurate communication with deceased relatives, evidential communication, philosophy and teachings.
We remain objective with healthy questioning minds.

Trance Medium - Mediumship - Spirit World - Spirit Communication - Life After Death

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