Jonnie's Jukebox Plays: Day Tripper - The Beatles 1965
3 years ago
Day Tripper on an original international multicolour press.
These videos are an art form and do nothing to cause harm or loss to any living man, in fact they promote the music played in addition to logging the historical significance of these rare records. ⁣⁣Want more? why not thumbs up, comment & subscribe to give me an indication.

⁣Lawful versus legal.
It is my understanding that the law of the land is 'fact' and constructed to uphold and defend the rights and property of the living man in other words "Cause no harm or loss to any living man/woman". Simple.

Whereas the legal system (legislation/statute/act) is fictitious 'colour of law', a commercial overlay of law, a law of 'things' based upon law of the sea. Contrary to 'law of the land', the legal system (and by association government, courts, peace keepers, corporations and charities) has been unlawfully usurped and utilised as a means of deception, serving as a method of extraction of public wealth and public assets to the detriment of the people, in favour of control by and wealth for the few. It should be clear that the legal system is subordinate to the law of the land and in truth the legal system has absolutely no standing without full disclosure and considered consent of contract, without which, any statute/act is null and void.
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