nde, death, truth

The Near Death Experience

435 Views - Published on 30 Sep, 2021
⁣Another fascinating phenomenon closely related to the OBE (Out of
Body Experience) is the NDE or Near-Death Experience. The NDE is
essentially the ultimate OBE occurring at the moment of physical death.
Throughout history people who have died and later been resuscitated
report the same story of consciousness leaving their physical body,
entering a realm of love and light, meeting angelic beings, and watching
their entire lives flash before their eyes. Slight differences exist in
various accounts of NDEs, but these pale next to the incredible
universal similarities.
The following presentation "The Near Death Experience" was taken from a chapter in my book "Spiritual Science" available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay
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Eric Dubay

Eric Dubay

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