Frank Collins Explains Western Roman Law Parts 1 to 4
2 years ago

The basis of the current western financial/legal system, and (some of) it's corruptions. The Roman Cult (Vatican). Estate Law. Trust Law. Cestui Que Vie Trusts. How did we get here?

Part 1/4 - What do the words Attorney and Barrister really mean? Who do lawyers really serve? What is competence at law? Knowing who and what you are. Who is the 'head honcho' of the system? Language trickery to bring about dishonour.

For more information go to, or University of Ucadia.

Tech note - dark room with bright projector screen so lighting takes a few minutes to get a good balance. Workshop material cards put up for your pausing convenience to read details when the screen can't be read. But I can'y quite help how it's softer on youtube :)

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