Canadian freedom fighter takes a stand, Mark is well known and looked up to in Canada
3 years ago
⁣Full, Unedited Version of CBC & Global Interviews
Canada First With The Grizzly Patriot

None of the contexts of these interviews was ever reported or shown on any mainstream media outlet in Saskatchewan. So, there has been a purposely created narrative flying around the mainstream media in Saskatchewan the past few days. A narrative meant to destroy our credibility as freedom fighters.
They were handed this narrative by one individual who said some controversial things during a speech at the rally in Regina. A classic move by the media to create an environment of hate and divisiveness. A tactic meant to disparage everyone who attends these freedom rallies. Creating a huge bully mentality in the masses. A media that claims to stand against bullying while actively promoting it. I waited three days to see if the media would show at least an ounce of integrity and show the whole story.
To tell the story with balance and nuance. A balance and nuance the good folks of Saskatchewan truly deserve and should expect from our media. Nope. It never came. They actively covered up what our purpose in holding these rallies really is. They purposely covered up the whole story. They purposely left out the interviews I gave which would have greatly changed the narrative they built against me. I'm glad that they picked the wrong guy to f*** with. I detest bullies.
I spent 25 years in law enforcement battling bullies on a daily basis. I never backed down then, and I sure as shit ain't backing down now! We must hold these people in contempt and hold them accountable. Here is the footage was taken from two interviews I gave, one with Global and one with CBC. These videos, and the information within, could have told the whole story. Could have given their stories context. The important context would have shown exactly who we are as a movement, and who we are as individuals. But they desperately do NOT want that. They must control the narrative at all costs. We must take that back from them! this far and wide so people of Saskatchewan can be told the whole story, the truthful story! Remember to like the videos and Subscribe if you like the content. Hit that Bell! Website: [a][/a] Newsletter sign-up [a][/a] Twitter: @Markfriesen08 or @NowSovereignty Facebook: [email protected] Donate:
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