trump, biden, democrats, blm, antifa, riots, protesters

Trump was asked about the use of non-lethal force to quell riots - He called out Democrat run cities

54 Views - Published on 09 Sep, 2020
⁣Trump was asked about the use of non-lethal force to quell riots - upon different judges have limited police ability, most recently in Chicago, to use this specific strategy. When asked, “should the police be able to use non-lethal force”, Trump immediately emphasized the fact that ongoing riots are all in Democratic run cities.

US Marshalls were sent to Portland to arrest Michael Reinoehl, the Antifa related shooter responsible for the death of Patriot Aaron Danielson. As Trump expressed disatisfaction with the response time of local authorities - that being the reason for US Marshalls handling the situation.

Donald J. Trump also called out Rochester, New York led by a Democrat mayor (Lovely Warren) under Democrat Governor (Andrew Cuomo) being in a problematic situation upon the Daniel Prude protests turned riots.

All though not mentioned by name, Mayor Ted Wheeler of Portland comes to mind for refusing Federal assistance to end 100 nights of rioting.

The President also answered a question about Antifa traveling cross states, “We have arrested over a thousand”, he said - following the fact that the recent 10 year felony for tearing statues have had a tremendous effect.


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