2020 book release
3 years ago
⁣I’m Skye, my pen name,author of 2020- when time stood still!
A book that will appeal to the adventurous open minded think outside the box types!
I don’t like labels but i would describe the book as thriller/fantasy with a touch of sci-fi a lot of reality and most definitely irony and black humor thrown in!
How could you write about 2020 without a touch of irony?or black humor ?
⁣Not the excitement and anticipation of when my first book was released-a far more subdued excitement given the current global situation and general mood. But still it’s an achievement in difficult times.

I began writing in March and as you will see, much of what I’ve written about has already come to fruition...
Just remember what they say, Truth is often stranger than fiction...
Enjoy the story

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