Article 61, Magna Carta, Practical Lawful Dissent II, Common Law, Constitutional Law, Invocation of Article 61, Barons, Lawful Dissent, Treason, Sovereignty, Clause 61, David Robinson, Peers Petition Queen Over Europe, Peers Threaten Rebellion, Constitutional Protocols, Legalese, Natural Law, Universal Law, Gods Law

Article 61 Security Clause Is Now In Force - News Flash

470 Views - Published on 23 Feb, 2022
⁣We often hear Magna Carta 1215 has been replaced and that only a few of it's Clauses still exist today. The Famous Security Clause, Article 61, is one of those deemed to have been removed. However, as this video demonstrates, not only has it not been removed or replaced, but it has been Invoked, or put into force, since 2001. Those that wished to keep this quiet have done a very good job, as this video explains. It's now up to us, the people, to push this into the limelight so that the traitors to our respective Commonwealth nations, those that have knowingly planned the demise of our Constitutional Sovereignty, are made to answer for their Treasonous actions and their wrongs are finally corrected. Only we, the people, can do this. Together.
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