Gerald Celente

Gerald Celente Tells It Straight

220 Views - Published on 29 Aug, 2020
Celente gives a grim version of what our near future could look like, in his own inimitable manner. As for me well I'm becoming more belligerant by the day.
⁣I no longer feel any inclination to worry about those Black lives, which they tell me are supposed to matter so much. They, as a group, are far more violent against those whom are giving them the highest standard of living, than has any Black, most of whom are still trapped in Africa, living in abject poverty, where no Black state can offer Blacks what has been freely given to them in White countries.

Even during the benign form of Black slavery, which involved "dem der" Blacks doing exactly for what White people were paid a pittance, in return for the long hours "they" slogged away, all day long and in fact, even as that lucky old sun had nothing to do and all that poor ol' Joe crap. The Blacks of today are so selfish, they do not waste a moment of their time worrying about those millions of Whites whom are, at this moment, far worse off than are hundreds of thousand of Blacks,whom are living in White countries,

Anyone White, who dares to stand up and speak out for the down-trodden White people of this world, are dismissed as Fascists, Nazis, extreme right "terrorists" and all that bullshit, even as we are trying hard to feed those whom can do nothing for themselves, many millions of them being Blacks in Africa.

The clips which I made earlier were in response to the propaganda about Black Lives Mattering, which made use of all of the discredited excuses which are repeatedly used by Blacks, as a pretext to pillage and loot shops and burn cars and create mayhem in general and to even murder White people in retaliation for things which never happened.

Russia Today gives massive air time to these creepy Black moaners, whom are doing in Africa, the same murder, rape and robbery, exactly what they are now doing all across the White world, suggesting them to be violent nasty people. In South Africa they have Black politicians whom are planning to "finish off" Whitey and we put up with that and continue to bring them into Europe?

The Blacks in South Africa are already far worse off than they had ever been under White rule and they now understand that they were lead into a trap by the Bolshevik Communist, thirty-three degree Mason, Nelson Mandela. The same thing happened in Zimbabwe under Mugabe.


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