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The NWO - A Global Totalitarianism Implemented thru Technocracy and Trans-humanism! - Patrick Wood

781 Views - Published on 15 Jun, 2022
Source "Mercola" ---> ⁣

Technocracy is the Counterfeit POWER, ⁣Philosophy and REASONING that is being used to DECEIVE people into believing that thru "SCIENCE" humanity can achieve "Peace and Safety". And this is the LIE of Humanism that PEACE and Safety in this world can be achieved by man thru spiritual enlightenment and EVOLUTION ... And Technocracy is the means to fulfill the Humanist Utopia ... whereby all humanity surrenders their FREE WILL to EXIST in a CONTRIVED AI (Anitchrist Intellegence) BEST LIFE NOW simulated model of the Universe (The Matrix)!

Technocracy is like a SNAKE that slowly wraps it's arms around you offering you Convienence and Pleasure and Prosperity as it PROGRAMS you to believe that all the FEAR, Hate, Anxiety, INJUSTICE and Problems of this world can be OVERCOME by SCIENCE. And this is the BIG LIE ... That man can RULE over this World without God and DECIDE for himself what is GOOD and EVIL, thus becoming god.

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” - Genesis 3: 4-5

Through one man, SIN entered the world and ALL of creation is now UNDER the CURSE of SIN which is DEATH (both Phyiscal and Spiritual) and this is why man FEARS death and this is why man naturally Mistrusts God and that is why we mistrust of one another. We have a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) and LOOK and LONG for REST frrom our LABOR (another curse of SIN) and we seek HOPE and ASSURANCE from this DYING world. But the kind of REST that Technology offers can only RELIEVE the symptoms of SIN but it does nothing to RESOLVE the ROOT of the Problem (much like Big Pharma drugs that mask symptoms of disease but not addressing the ROOT cause of the disease). And Technology that is UNCHECKED is like ⁣Heroin that will ENUTHANIZE you to the Physical PAIN and REALITY of this world ... so you DON'T cry out to God for SALVATION and you DIE in you SIN, separated from God forever!

Technology is a TOOL, Jesus was a Carpenter who used TOOLS. Tools aren't inheritenly EVIL ... like FIRE it can be used to WARM a person and COOK food or it can used to BURN a Building and TORMNENT an unbeliever forever in the LAKE of FIRE! Don't TRUST in Technocracy ... BE AWARE of what is going on ... USE DISCERNMENT ... Expose when it is EVIL and have NOTHING to do with IT!

"Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT on your understanding" by FAITH (Proverbs 3:5-6). REST in the GOODNESS of God's POWER, Plan and Purpose for your LIFE. And believe in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of SIN, to be reconcilled to God and receive Eternal Life. This is the highest goal for man ... that he can know God and ENJOY Him forever!

The AI of Technocracy will implement the Totalitarain control over people, a faceless ruler and judge with no Godly mercy or human compassion!

⁣Patrick Wood and Dr. ⁣Joseph Mercola - It’s Crucial To Understand What We’re Up Against (Show notes) ---> ⁣

⁣People are Trusting in Technology, Money, Governments, Corporations and Big Pharma Drugs for Peace and Security in this world ...This is like Trusting in Chariots and Horses ... but we Trust and Praise the name of the Lord, our God!

Psalm 20: 6Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;
He will answer him from His holy heaven
With thesaving strength of His right hand.
7Some praise their chariots and some their horses,
But we will praise the name of the LORD, our God.
8They have bowed down and fallen,
But we have risen and stood upright.
9Save, LORD;
May the King answer us on the day we call.

This PLAN-DEMIC has Divided people into CLASSES of "Clean" vs "UnClean" based on your JAB status and RE-DEFINED Morality to mean you are a GOOD person if you OBEY Government MANDATES and you are BAD person if you OBEY God above the Government. It put Safety and Security as the ultimate GOAL of Society and Liberty as a Threat to Society.

⁣⁣“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. - Psalm 139:14

⁣The Intersection of Technocracy and Totalitarianism A Special Interview With Patrick Wood By Dr. Joseph Mercola (TRANSCRIPT) ---> ⁣

Technology has LIFTED the burdens from people ... We have GIANT Farms and FACTORIES that produce FOOD and PRODUCTS without the SWEAT SHOP Drugery and Dangerous working conditions. We have our houses LIGHTED, Heated and Cooled ... Clean Water and Waste Removal. We have Instant COMMUNICATION and World Wide Travel ...These are SIGNS of a Great Civilization ... from the EXTERIOR apperance ... But Technology can't GIVE a person meaning for his LIFE and Technology can't GIVE a person assurance of Eternal LIFE!

⁣“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. - Matthew 23: 27-28

Jesus CALLED the Pharisees WHITE WASHED TOMBS because they thought they were RIGHTEOUS by FOLLOWING the LAW Keeping (Knowlege of what seems good) but inside they were DEAD because they DID have a RELATIONSHIP with God (Faith from Revelation of Who is good) and they did NOT do their good works out of a MOTIVE of making the Goodness of God known, but making their own goodness KNOWN. They thought Justification and meaning for their LIFE came from LAW KEEPING according to the LETTER of the LAW ... instead of. living right before God by the SPIRIT of the LAW. They operated in Self Righteous PRIDE to PROOF themselves WORTHY before men instead of REPENTANCE from SIN and BELIEVING in a Savior who would PAY the price for their SIN (which was Jesus who was CONFRONTING their ⁣Hypocrisy to their FACE).

Patrick Wood has been following the RISE in Technocracy (WE MUST COMPLY to SCIENCE) for many years being pushed under the Climate Change agenda and when he saw the same crowd JUMP on the COVID Train he knew what the end goal was for Humanity!

⁣It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention. The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset.

The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans.

While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm.

Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function.

Trump is GUILTY of Crimes Against Humanity for spearheading this WARP SPEED Execution of Americans by a Genetic BIO-WEAPSON but he is also in DEBT to the Zionist Globalist and in league with their NWO agenda! Trump is NOT standing in the way of Globalism ... He is DECEIVING, Distracting and Entertaining people with his LOUD mouth boasting like a FAKE Wrestling Match ... while he LEADS the Sheeple to the SLAUGHTER of the NWO!

Trump Trilateral Globalist Cabinet Members - ⁣CFR and Trilateral Commission Members In Trump’s Cabinet (And Hillary’s Ghost Cabinet) --> ⁣

⁣BlackRock Becomes Key Player in Crisis Response for Trump and the Fed ---> ⁣

⁣As President Donald Trump grappled with the coronavirus outbreak last month, he boasted at a press conference of tapping a secret weapon for advice: Larry Fink.

⁣Ivanka Trump Is A Member Of The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders ---> ⁣

We are up against psychopath black magicians who are pedophiles and who are members of "fraternities" such as freemasons or jesuits, and they with the military are working with non human species. If you see a freemason lodge in your town, rest assured that your town has cancer because that's what freemasons are, a cancer on society.

Goes back to early 1776 when the Illuminati was formed with the stated mission to do what's being done and the One World government. Interesting ... look it up.


> It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention.

> The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset.

> The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans.

> While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm.

> Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function

⁣The World Economic Forum is bold talking about both ... They talk about this Technocratic Takeover on one hand that REFORM the structures of society, the institutions, but they also talk, at the same time, about the restructuring of Humanity itself. That is the merging of technology with human condition, with the flesh, the changing of genetic code, Humans 2.0!

This is mad scientist type of stuff, Joe. I mean, are we talking like War of the Worlds or something that appeared on the radio back in the '30s or '40s and everybody freaked out? It's hard to get your head around how evil this whole thing is and it's all uninvited. Nobody asked for it, they just did it. They have just

done it and it didn't just happen. That's another thing that's really important to understand this didn't just come out of the blue or fall out of the sky from outer space. This has been in the works for a very long time.

⁣====== Big Pharma/Harma Medicine is Sorcery! ===================

Have you wondered why NO Politican will PUBLICALLY DECLARE that these JABS are an EVIL DEADLY BIO-WEAPON for the PURPOE of Genocide and CHAOS to usher in the New Worthless Order (NWO)?

It's because in Greek the word "pharmakeia" means "sorcery" ... And the Bible tells us that in the End Times that ALL NATIONS will be DECEIVED by the Sorcery of Big Pharma DRUGS. The DRUGS, especially these Genetic Code INJECTIONS are the MEANS to DESTROY God's Kingdom on earth and establish a NWO Antichrist Beast Kingdom for 7 years then God will REMOVE all the EVIL doers and Set up His RIGHTEOUS Millennium Kingdom for 1,000 years with Jesus Christ RULING and REIGNING on earth!

The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery (pharmakeia) all the nations were deceived. - Revelation 18:23

This is what is HAPPENING Now ... The NATIONS are under a POWER of Deception from Satan and is ALLOWING the EVIL of the NWO Kingdom to ADVANCE and it ALLOWS the Elite Luciferians to Boldly PROCALIM that the BIO-WEAPON MURDERING JABS are Beneficial when in FACT the JABS have ZERO Health Benefit but are in essense Satan SNAKE Venom POISON from the Bottomless PIT!

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.- Psalm 139:14

In CONTRAST to the Sorcey of Big Harma "SCIENCE" is God's word which DECLARES I am FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made ... I don't FEAR the World or the things in the World because I am made in the image of God and have a reverent FEAR for my Creator who has OVERCOME the World, the Flesh and the Devil through His ONLY begotten Son, Jesus Christ!

These GOOD Doctors are trying to EXPOSE the EVIL of this JAB but they TOO are Deceived because they are SPEAKING at a New Age Great Awakening PRO-Trump Hopium Tour thinking the WARP Speed JAB-o-CIDE King will REPENT of his EVIL ways and lead America into RIGHEOUSNESS, FREEDOM and TRUTH.


This New Age Great Awakening is a STRONG Delusion from the DEVIL ... And the NEXT Deception from Trumple-Stills-CAN will be WORSE than this WARP Speed JAB-o-CIDE Deception! Trump says one thing and DOES another ... This is the DEFINITION of a LIAR. He has READ that DAMN Snake POEM enough times that people should BELIEVE him by now "I told you I was a SNAKE before you took me in". Don't take the Trump-CINE into your body, mind or SPIRIT!

Big Harma DRUGS, especially these mRNA Genetic Code Bio-WEAPON JABS are the MEANS to DECEIVE people by FEAR of a LIE-RUS Contagion to INJECT themselves with a Vaccine that is SAFE and Effective but these JABS are really DEATH by DIRECTED!

God has given us Herbs and Plants for our HEALING and these INCLUDE Aspirin, Penicillin and Ivermectin which are NATURAL medicines from God (Holistic Medicine). But Big Harma DRUGS are synethically made chemicals (Allopathic Medicine), some have benefit but for the most part they MASK the senses so people CAN'T fell PAIN or they MASK the symptoms of a disease while they cause another disease later down the ROAD. Big Harma is NOT in the business to restore and promote HEALTH but they are in the business to MASK symptoms of disease which provides a FAST FIX and yields a BIG PROFIT.

Vaccines have ABSOLUTELY NO Benefit to Health and these new mRNA Genetic Code BIO-Tech JABs are even more DANGEROUS than the previous Vaccines because they have the POTENTIAL to cause a person's body to make a FOREIGN protein that is a TOXIC in the BODY ... with no OFF Switch. And reverse Transcription in the CELL can cause the mRNA to be integrated into the person's DNA for future generations! The CRISPR Gene EDITING capaibily has some GREAT potential to correct corrupt DNA like that which causes Sickle Cell Anemia but this Technology is NOT in the hands of GOOD people but in the HANDS of Elite Luciferians!

=== The Contagion Myth === The TERRAIN is Everything (Bechamp) - The GERM is Nothing (Pasteur) ===

This is the ROOT of the issue ... the "belief" in the FAKE Science of the existence of a Contagion Virus that causes Disease and the belief in the FAKE Science of Vaccination to prevent Disease. ​The Virus Hunter Dr. Stefan Lanka: Belief in “Viruses” is a Religion --->


The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") Are Not the Cause of Disease (Copyright © 2020 by Thomas S. Cowan, MD, and Sally Fallon Morell)--- >

How Rockefeller founded modern medicine and killed natural cures (PDF) --->

Any doubt on the question of Trilateral Commission goals is answered by David Rockefeller himself, the founder of the TC, in his Memoirs (2003): “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History (PDF) --->

Can Ten Thousand Lies Hide One Truth? Pasteur (Germ Theory) vs. Béchamp (Terrain Theory) --->

========= Jesus said "You MUST be BORN AGAIN" ==========

What is Life? --->

CONVERGENCE - THE PERFECT PROPHETIC STORM IS BREWING! - Understanding the Times by Keegan --->


REAGAN’S Lion and Lamb Ministries PROPHETIC MANIFESTO of the Coming End Times JUDGEMENT and RETURN of Jesus (2013) ---> Transcript Part 1 (with link to Part 2) --->

Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” - John 3:3

Watch "The Chosen" - Nicodemus meets Jesus - You Must Be Born Again! --->

You must be "Born Again" Spiritually to ENTER the Kingdom of Heaven, to be the BRIDE OF CHRIST! Salvation is by BIRTH not BEHAVIOR.


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, - Romans 3:23

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag -->
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)

The UDB's of Salvation explained on Rogersings website ---> ⁣
U – Understand that God is holy and God hates sin because sin has destroyed His world and your Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) separates you from knowing God's love for you, His wonderful plan for you and Eternal LIFE with Him.
D – Desire to be reconciled to God and saved from the eternal death sentence that you are under because you were born with a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN), a natural tendency to "suppress" the MORAL condemnation from God for FAILING to meet the Standard of God's PERFECT Righteouness. Your SIN also causes you to "promote" a Humanist form of Governance for peace, purpose and prosperity in this world which is IMPOSSIBLE and DEFIES God's PLAN and Purpose for man to RULE "under" God's AUTHORITY over the earth. Therefore "REPENT", which means to have a CHANGE of MIND concerning what you believe to be TRUE about the Disease of SIN that is working in you and your INABILITY to overcome it on your own.
B – Believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the grave proving He is the only begotten Son of God who will take away your SIN and give you Eternal Life with Him!

Dear Jesus,

I ask You to forgive me of my Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... which I was born with ... a NATURE that makes me think I can get through this world without You. I REPENT of my "I did it my way" attitude, which is REBELLION toward You and Your PLAN for me. I ask You to SAVE me from my SIN so I am NO Longer separated from You.

I believe that You, Jesus, are the Son God ... You are God in the FLESH. I believe You died on the cross for me and shed Your blood for me as the PAYMENT for my SIN and I believe that You rose from the grave on the third day to PROVE that EVERYTHING You SAID is TRUE! ⁣I RECEIVE You Jesus into my LIFE through Your HOLY Spirit so I am Spiritually BORN AGAIN. Thank You for saving my soul. Thank You for forgiving all my sins (past, present and future) and thank You for giving me Eternal Life and being IN me, never to FORSAKE me, EVER PRESENT to guide me, discipline me, comfort me and give me JOY! Amen

With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!

Do you WANT to Know the TRUTH about what is going on in the world? This world and humanity is FALLEN and UNDER the CURSE of SIN. God has a WONDERFUL PLAN for you and for His Kingdom COME ... God doesn't want you to PERISH in SIN but to live in Christ and be BORN AGAIN! Listen to the Living word of God from the BOOK of John NKJV --->

Blessings to the Family of God - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings
Rogersings NWO News!

Rogersings NWO News!

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