free speech, social media, censorship, liberty, free speech, politics

Because YouTube, Facebook, Twitter And Google Are Evil

128 Views - Published on 29 Jul, 2020
⁣Every day the big social media companies ban more and more for less and
less. They don't even give a reason anymore. If you don't agree with
their agenda then you get to meet the Banhammer! Remember when things
like morals, ethics and truth mattered? No so much anymore. Well there
still is one place. Xephula.Com. 100% free and kept as such on the
morals of a few people who keep the whole thing running. While Gab,
Minds, MeWe and so on are busy dropping the ball regularly. 4Chan and
Reddit have already rolled over on their belly for the government
before. Ottman of Minds is a Shill. Andrew Torba of Gab has broken the
platform interface. Its a royal shitshow. And while we have had our own
share of issues (like Hostwinds trying to destroy our platform) we have
gotten through them and come back to center as best we could. We are
also not an extremist platform like Worldtruth.MX or anywhere that hosts
Shitlords Org. We do not endorse wild violence for the sake of itself.
While free speech is at the core of what we do, abuse of other members
is not tollerated. Real abuse, not that snowflake level shit.

We do care about our peeps as it were. Most of all, and what mattered to
me when I first got involved with Xephula.Com is that we have a sense
of humor. You don't have to take my word for it though, take a look.
Make up your own mind. Honestly we prefer individuals with a skeptical
nature anyway.

Come by anytime. Ring the bell. We are always here. Oh and could you
wake Doug up and tell him that he cannot sleep on the couch for the rest
of his damn life? Thanks.


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