Finland, Helsinki, Rautatientori Lääkäri Mikael Kivivuori puhuu korruptiosta, poliiseista ja MKR:stä
3 years ago
The video shows when doctor Kivivuori begins to speak about the establishment of "police for freedom" movement taking place in Finland as well, that suddenly the police get a rush to end his speech.

Doctor Kivivuori is one of the brave doctors who've come out in Finland about this scam and tells openly about the corruption. However, he's also a very hearty person and a founder of MKR "Moniammatillinen Koronakriisin ratkaisu ryhmä", a group to tackle with the problems this imaginary "crisis" with its measures have caused us, in Finland. He gathers experts from all work branches to the movement to rebuilt our well-being based on love, instead of corruption. I truly respect all the work he's doing. :)

Finns, watch also very informative interview by Finnish profound emeritus scientist Kalevi Korento, he tells it all from 100 000 scientists and what he's himself found out by his own studies: ⁣
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