spirals, cern, Anthony patch, vortex, wormholes, catholic church whore, harlot, aposticy, final days report, sjwellfire, gotherd, ritual, cern sacrifice, babel, bale

Chemtrails Purpose (cover spirals and planet x dream)

253 Views - Published on 09 Nov, 2021
⁣Had a couple dreams about how chemtrails are coving the planet x system and assisting and defiantly covering up spirals / wormholes as seen in 2009. Talk about Cerns potential vail shattering objective. Are vortexes carved in the rocks? What about the tower of Babel. We briefly listen to part of an Anthony Patch interview from Lisa Haven years ago. Also, during the Switzerland tunnel demonic ritual, did the naked actors get possessed with chemtrails? What about the Cern human sacrifice ritual. It's all tied together. ⁣ I was discounting degreed physicist and regret saying that. I have my MBA from a good school I think useful degrees are valuable. I think my head was around ashiest scientist who profess themselves to be wise but are fools. Sorry about the audio.
SJWellFire: Final Days Report

SJWellFire: Final Days Report

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