Dec 4 ASB
3 years ago Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 13 Sagittarius, and its Sabian symbol reads “a vast panorama of sand and time is unfolding; the pyramids and the sphinx in their glory rise before the eye”. This symbol describes the power, majesty, and grandeur of our ancient past. It refers to the need or desire to build an empire, and to recapture and establish what has been lost, specifically the power of our spiritual ancestry. In this chart, the moon occupies 4 Leo, and forms an exact Fire Trine with Mercury at 4 Sagittarius and Chiron at 4 Aries. The moon’s degree refers to “rock formations towering over a deep canyon”, signifying that something well established is on the precipice of a great abyss. This symbolizes a “Geronimo” moment of courage, the “live free or die” sentiment that requires great courage and risk to move forward. It epitomizes situations where faith can indeed move mountains. Mercury’s degree symbolizes an old owl perched high in a tree, which sees and hears all that is happening in the dark. The ability of owls to remain hidden, while also being endowed with highly acute senses, enables it to see and hear everything going on around it. Owls personify spirit and magic, combined with “age old wisdom”. Chiron’s degree refers to a white triangle with golden wings that is seen. This remarkable statement holds much symbolism: “white” refers to purity, divinity; the triangle refers to the trinity - Creator, spirit, and human. The golden wings symbolize help from above that transform ordinary situations into extraordinary experiences. The fact that this triangle “is seen” also implies that something akin to divine mystery will be seen and witnessed in ways that uplift and inspire others. The grand trine between the moon, Mercury, and Chiron, occurring at an exact degree, also strengthen the message regarding the triune principle at work. When we integrate today’s symbols, the images and messages speak volumes. Collectively we are facing a “come to Jesus” moment. It’s time to yell “Geronimo!” and put our faith and courage into action. Spiritual help and miracles are here to help us move mountains and establish a new civilization based spiritual wisdom that honors our ancestors. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #mercury #chiron
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