Life, Liberity, Pursuit of Happiness, by C. Jeff Dyrek
4 years ago
⁣When we think of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness, we are talking about our very foundation of rights in the United States. Without these very basic rights, we would not be a country and we wouldn't even be alive. These are our basic rights, our human rights as guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States. Listen to what I am saying here and think of why we had a Constitution in the first place. I was written so that you can indeed secure your future for yourself, your retirement and for your families safety. Without these rights, there would be no use for the Constitution and our country would have never existed. These three things, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is why we have a military, why we have police and why you have a home to live in right now. We must protect these rights from all enemies both foreign and domestic. C. Jeff Dyrek, Disabled Veteran.
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