Microsoft Murder Mesh on Yours Truly (further analysis and definitive clarification to follow)
3 years ago
This footage includes the absolutely (it schocks me every time it dawns on me) super secret electromagnetic mesh that facilites the harassment/'synthetic telepathy' that I and many others have been subjected to. it is apparently a NANOSWARM.

YOU HAVE NANO ALL AROUND YOU. THEY ARE THERE FOR A VERY SPECIFIC REASON: SURVEILENCE, and if you have not yet been apprised, you are in for the shock of your life my friends. Most of you probably think I'm bullshitting. Well, suit yourself, but I promise you, this is your new reality and you cannot detect it, despite the fact it inside you and allowing the controllers to have a bird's eye view into your most "private" moments. As of right now, there is no such as privacy.
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