Another Cunning Psy-Op
3 years ago
⁣What more proof do the sheeple need that the "pandemic" is a scamdemic? The Covidian cultists are crazy enough to want to inject children with their experimental gene therapy. But even if we go so far as to accept that such a disease as "COVID-19" actually exists, the child mortality rate is only 1 in 588,235, and deaths from vaccine adverse effects greatly outweigh that. And that's even before we count the serious adverse reactions, and even ignoring the wholly unknown long term risks.

UK Column News now has a section of their website providing the "Yellow Card" data on 'vaccine' adverse reactions, whereupon one can input a particular reaction or manufacturer and interrogate the database.

The SPARS pandemic "scenario" was completed October 2017. This provided the imaginative, but preposterous, idea about a 'deadly' virus that could somehow cause an "asymptomatic" disease (which is of course an oxymoron).

"First, the virus had an extended incubation period (seven to ten days) compared to its latent eriod (four to five days). Thus, infected persons could spread the virus for up to nearly a week before showing symptoms of the disease themselves."

And that served as the justification for lockdowns, mandatory face masks, and wholesale removal of our long-cherished freedoms, under the pretext that the nanny state was somehow working to protect us.

In fact, those who run the central banks, the mass media, and social media such as YouTube and Facebook, and the underage sex Jeffrey Epstein blackmail ring that, inter alia, allows them to launder money through Bill Gates to their puppets such as Anthony Fauci and Neil Ferguson, want you either dead or enslaved. Most politicians are either too ignorant or too stupid to understand what is happening.
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