WEF Game Plan | Dr. Larry Palevsky 
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3 years ago
⁣An excerpt from: Dr. Palevsky on the Dr. Brian Ardis Show

⁣WEF Game Plan, Dr. Larry Palevsky
⁣Thank You, ChelseaGirl001

WEF Game Plan for Covid 19.

1. Control fully the media and political parties in all 193 UN nations.
2. Release a lab produced virus that's slightly more deadly than flu.
3. Bombard the world with 24/7 covid propaganda.
4. Have the whole world in masks.
5. Develop AI algorithms that can identify masked people.
6. Roll out the Agenda 2030.
7. Conflate covid with Agenda 2030 as an opportunity to reset the world.
8. Systematically destroy the economy and as many jobs as possible using repeated lockdown strategy.
9. Use PCR high amplifications to justify lockdown with high cases.
10. Roll out first placebo vaccine.
11. Use PCR low amplifications to prove that the vaccine worked.
12. Allow people to feel that normality is returning.
13. Introduce digital currency, vaccination pass and social scores.
14. Introduce Basic Living Wage for the millions out of work.
15. Monitor population using 5G for dissent and electronically fine or detain.
16. Introduce legislation ordering permanent social distancing and mask use.
17. Roll out mutated new strains of the virus or terror attack related to virus.
18. If needed, use PCR high amplifications to justify new lockdowns.
19. Roll out real vaccines and a sterilisation vaccine to an accepting world (the side who was worthy of reproducing).
20. Reduce population to 500 million.
21. Enjoy the complete control of a sustainable ordered humanity.
22. Agenda 2030 complete.

https://www.technocracy.news/world-economic-forums-techno-totalitarian-roadmap/ - ⁣https://archive.is/g0wjX
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