4 years ago
⁣9/11 was just propaganda. Please, stop believing the alt-media; inside job, etc. This COVID-19 is way worse than 9/11. Please read the following and do your own research. Simon Shack is ignored by the alternative media.

More info at www.septemberclues.info and www.cluesforum.info

9/11 was a Hollywood movie sold to the world as a news event. Conspiracy bait was inserted into the movie to distract from the truth. 9/11 was a CGI job and it's obvious once you take the time to study the fake imagery. Why kill 3,000 people and then have to silence the relatives of these victims? It's easier to silence people who do not exist. There should be thousands of people blaming the government for killing their loved ones, but you do not see this. Celebs were given stories to tell to the sleeping masses. Nobody died on 9/11/2001 in New York due to terrorist attacks. People need to stop jumping down rabbit holes leading to mini-nukes and DEWs which are controlled opposition theories based on fake images and CGI animation.

To know more about the 9/11 hoax, visit http://septemberclues.info and http://cluesforum.info

THE 9/11 SMOKESCREEN: http://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?p=2391828#p2391828
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