Weasel words and broken promises – a roadmap to endless lockdown
On the one hand, the Government is taking steps to force everyone to have a vaccine. On the other, the NHS, the manufacturers – and even Ferguson – admit that the vaccine is unreliable, will not prevent anyone from catching or passing on Covid, and is likely to have unpredictable long-term side effects because of the type of technology used.
Read the article: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/weasel-words-and-broken-promises-on-the-road-to-endless-lockdowns/
Weasel words and broken promises – a roadmap to endless lockdown
Read the article: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/weasel-words-and-broken-promises-on-the-road-to-endless-lockdowns/
Weasel words and broken promises – a roadmap to endless lockdown