Time's Wisdom, Nature's Perspective November 21 Astro-Sound Bite
3 years ago
www.soundworksbygehl.com ⁣Today’s ASB is drawn up for the Sun at 0 Sagittarius, and its Sabian symbol reads “retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories”. This signifies reunions, reminiscing, and reestablishing contact with comrades. Healing can take place with the passage of time and wisdom that comes from experience, but there is also caution around getting stuck in reliving past trauma and reopening wounds. In this chart the moon occupies 26 Aquarius, and it reads “an ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets”. This signifies returning to the ancient wisdom traditions and organic beauty, which offers simple solutions to complex issues. It’s about finding joy in simple things, uncomplicated and undiluted by external negativity, as well as being able to bring that joy to others. Venus is now at 0 Scorpio, and its symbol refers to a tour bus of site-seers traveling through a foreign land. This signifies being able to watch things from a distance, observing people and situations without being part of the scene. There is a sense of adventure to be had with this symbol, as well as the buffer that the bus provides insofar as separating the tourists from the sites themselves. As we integrate these messages, the underlying thread has to do with appreciating the past for the wisdom it can provide. Instead of allowing the past to reopen old wounds, it’s important to find organic beauty and simplicity that time allows. Like the tour bus, time provides a perspective that puts distance between the person and the actual events from the past. Finding the simple joy in those experiences not only helps heal past wounds for the individual, it provides hope and inspiration to others as well. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #venus
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