If You've Been Scared By the Coronavirus, You're Suffering from the Effects of Mind Contro
3 years ago
In this article I've drawn on the writings of Robert J. Lifton

Cults. They were the scourge of the American landscape. Groups such as Jim Jones
and the People's Temple, Heaven's Gate, Divine Light Mission,
Children of God, the Moonies and Hare Krishna.
In two of these groups, the members committed suicide.
The public were terrified. How could this happen?
I have news for you.
It's happening again. Right Now!
Ifyou live in any of the countries affected by the lockdowns, you've
been forced into a cult mindset without your knowledge; without your
consent. What most people do not know is your government and the
media are using industrial strength mind control techniques on
you. The purpose? Power and control by generating fear and
uncertainty. That way, they can make you do their bidding. Here's
a sampling of what they're doing and how it's affecting you

For more info, go to: ⁣http://nathansegal.org/end-anxiety-with-neuro-linguistic-programing/
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