News From India - 540 Adverse Reactions, 7 Hospitaliztions And 2 Deaths Reported In 3 Days Of Vaccin
⁣In India, 580 Adverse Reactions, 7 Hospitalized And 2 Deaths, Not Linked To Jab Says Government On Day 3

Mahipal Singh, a ward boy in UP’s Moradabad died after a day of getting the jab. While his family stated that he suffered breathlessness and chest pain, his son suspected that it was due to the vaccine.

Not just him; it turns out, another man in Karnataka died after he was administered with the COVID-19 vaccine. The victim who was working in Sandur General Hospital, has been identified as 43-year-old Nagaraj. He died two days after taking the first dose.

Covaxin, and Covishield, a jab based on the AstraZeneca/Oxford formula

On Monday they issued a fact sheet which advised against taking the vaccine if a person suffers from “any allergies” or is immunocompromised.

Of the 3,81,305 healthcare workers vaccinated so far, 1,48,266 were administered the vaccine on Monday.

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