Dolores Cahill “Debunking the Narrative”
3 years ago
16.1 Degree in molecular biogenetics, PHD in immunology using antibodies and making libraries and making a library “where we were making antibodies and targeting antibodies to use in brain tumours”
16.2 8 years in the Max Planck institute for molecular genetics Berlin -developed antibodies to improve the outcome in cancer. She led a group that developed a technology that is patented and the technology could look at the specificity of antibodies and profile antibodies in serum. used in research and diagnostic assays and to profile antibodies in serum They made 20 different assays to diagnose auto immune disease and later cancer.
16.3 “But the ground breaking research was that we look at the specificity of antibodies used in research and used in diagnostic assays. And we made diagnostic assays and so we could look at serum as well and see whether they were exposed to a virus or not”.
16.4 Hence she found that a lot of what was published was incorrect .A lot of antibodies sold that were not specific were being sold as diagnostics.
16.5 She therefore became involved in various consortia that were able to get researchers worldwide to correct their published results. And there was a lot of controversy about that.
16.6 In 1990, she set up of resource centre in the human genome to systematically looked at every protein and developed a human protein library while working in Sweden.
16.7 She found that there were many diagnostic assays sold which were not specific. Funded 40 technicians for 10 years to get everyone to put their research results into a global library. Many of her research and clones and arrays were circulated widely so that others could use the arrays and check their results.
16.8 To verify that what the manufacturers are saying is verified and true. Because her clones and libraries were distributed worldwide, “all of my research was validated but that does not happen very often.”
16.9 She got involved in research integrity. “We could test against 8000 proteins whereas most researchers were only testing against 8 or 10”
16.10 “Because they were using my work as a reference, therefore it was being used over and over again and could demonstrate the research integrity”. Because her work was very disruptive, she got awards from the German ministry for Science and she advises funding agencies on research integrities and she still does on protein research and on genetic research.
16.11 “When I came across with my proteins, initially peopIe were sending me antibodies and when I said these results are not what you published, they could retract or republish with the new technology”. But there was resistance to that so she ended up having to report to Hans Cleric her boss who was the director of the institute
16.12 “Any issue with fraud in research is criminal offence. If not retracted and corrected. You can lose research funding for 10 years.”
16.13 She was on the advisory board reporting to government in Ireland from 2004 – 2013. She was nominated in Ireland to represent Ireland on the innovative science commission and is vice chair of that committee since 2016
16.14 “ I have Lot of experience in doing the research and in academia and in running companies and it is also interesting that I was Involved in developing a vaccine for Africa called meningitis B that was EU funded showed that just the meningitis proteins on their own were able to elicit an immune response that you would not need any adjuvants and that paper was published. “
16.15 She ran a class 3 biosafety lab. Also worked in a class 4 lab. This is significant is because the regulations are very onerous. In that lab, we were told that we were individually liable per person that would die in the lab and If you were involved in releasing something that was lethal you would be personally prosecuted.”
16.16 Her work is “Steeped in data integrity and transparency and good high quality science”.

17. In early February because she was involved with people who work with safe adjutants. And had been working with people who were involved with protection and cure in hydroxychlorequine.
She was saying exactly that -
17.1 ““This virus is not as dangerous as it is shown to be. Your immune system clears it in 10 days.
17.2 If you test positive for the corona virus, you should not be classified as a case. You are not a case. You are immune for life.”
17.3 “ There is no need for the lockdown. We can all go back to work”
17.4 She is happy to discuss with anyone and be prepared to take responsibility for those decisions and be held to account.
17.5 Her colleague, Dr Markus De Bruin, is so incensed by the incorrect treatment of the patients who succumb to the further stages of the alleged “virus” that he calls it State Eusthenasia.
17.6 The model system they developed is Databased profiling using very bad code.
17.7 “In all of our bodies there are 100s of viruses.
17.8 “It is important we come into contact with them. This year from week 48 last year to 12 April, there were 3 circulating global viruses Flu A B and Covid 19. Generally viruses circulate the globe within 3 or 4 weeks”. It had is peak on 22nd March. At peak infection on 12 March. Virus is gone.
17.9 “There is absolutely no need for lockdown”.
17.10 In China 50% were over 80 who died. Countries did not lock down like South Korea had the same trajectory.
17.11 “Never before in hundreds of years of infectious diseases have we quarantined healthy people”.
17.12 “What is really shocking is that it is well known in medical circles that you can boost your immune systems and if you are a little run down, you can take Vitamin D and C and Zinc, your immune system will be boosted so that if you come across the virus, you will have hardly any symptoms, you will clear it and you will contribute to overall immunity”.
17.13 “If you quarantine just the elderly and get them to boost their systems for 14 days and everyone else gets it then when the elderly come out of the quarantine the virus is actually stopped in their tracks. The immune system clears this virus. It’s gone”,
17.14 SARS Covid 1 The number of deaths from the first SARS globally was 770.There have been 2 more circulating since 2003
17.15 And when she looked into it 7% to 15% of the global population already had antibodies to these viruses and even before this virus came, if you tested people for antibodies with the PRC test at least 7% of the population would have tested positive.
17.16 “So what they are reporting as the number of cases , trying to scare people, they’re actually people who developed immunity to the last SARS virus. And they would have immunity now.”

18. But we have been living in a way that is effectively turning off nature’s natural cures to this virus. (with these regulations)
18.1 DOLORES “Your natural flora is being turned off by social distancing We are always transmitting viruses . This makes us stronger. Social distancing is deranged. Hysteria. There is no cure for it”.
18.2 “The idea is crazy that governments come and clamp down on something that has come and gone in 3 weeks and boosts the immune systems.”
18.3 Every 3 or 4 years SARS circulates and people are immune. So practically everyone is immune.
18.4 “This entire number of cases and this hysteria is actually wrong.”
18.5 “If they had built up their immune system, no one would have got sick and no one would have died at all.”
18.6 Or give front line workers and over 80s give 2 Hydroxycloroquine 1 every 3 weeks. To the elderly and they would have had no deaths.
18.7 If you boost your immune system, you can’t get symptoms.
18.8 They are treating it as though it was a really severe virus. But the fact is that if you boost your immune system 99% of people would have at most, normal flu symptoms and if the one in one hundred start to develop a cough.( that takes a few days) They passed through some tablets of hydroxychloroquine without meeting them ( the patients)”.
18.9 Using the above method of treatment, only 4 of 64 000 elderly went to hospital . There were no deaths.
19. So much testing that Vaccines delivered and quite a few reactions.
20. Why so concentrated, China found Hydroxychloroquine very effective. They send the patients home with hydroxychloroquine.
20.1 “The preventative dose for Hydroxychloroquine is just one tablet and it costs 10c, No issue around the heart in a preventative dose. Hydroxychloroquine was also used in the first SRS virus Covid 1. It’s been in use for malaria, lupus and arthritis for 60 years.”
Lombardy Italy. Those who had had flu vaccines had a cytokine storm and were severely sick. The flu vaccines had been grown on dog tissue and were not a vaccine to corona virus. They did the study in ferrets. People were fine with the vaccine, but, when the real flu came, they died. Same in soldiers who were flu vaccinated before they were sent to China.
“We have had the SARS outbreak and there is no vaccine in 17 years” It’s due to Viral interference.
20.4 There isn’t one vaccine to any corona virus in 17 years.
20.5 INTERVIEWER “yet countries have pledged money to develop one”.
20.6 Lots of clinical trials into (the efficacy of) Vitamin D C and zinc and keep Hydroxychoroquine on hand. with AZT antibiotics. No need for drugs. Also high dose of vitamin C can cure.
20.7 No need for any drug to be developed. No need for a vaccine. Chase up time for virus is about a year. No safety tests. Lots of ingredients in vaccines are bad for the immune system like mercury and aluminium and animal tissue which there is no need to have those toxic adjutants in vaccines at all.
20.8 She challenged the Irish government. Hydroxychoroquine has been around for 50 years and it is well known that it was used all over the world before.
20.9 There is no need for social distancing
20.10 “It’s been known for 60 years that simple mineral oil is plenty antigenic to the body to ellcit an immune response. You do not have to be adding in mercury or aluminium,
20.11 “SARS has been around for 17 years. Start mingling now.
20.12 Masks only for people with symptoms. What a mask does is exactly the wrong thing. It actually reduces the supply of oxygen to you so if anyone has latent viruses in their body, it puts you under oxidative distress and this decreases your immune system. So there is no need for wearing masks – only If you have symptoms and if you have symptoms you should just stay at home for the week and then you will be immune. There is no basis for social distancing. Young people must just mingle. There is absolutely no child who has died and also young people don’t give it to old people. Old people give it to young people.”
20.13 She says just mingle for a week and elderly and underlying conditions take vitamin C, D and zinc for a week and then go back to full life on the 1st June and keep Hydroxychloroquine handy.
20.14 “What they are calling cases are people immune for life”.
20.15 “To stop a virus get a lot of heathy people to get it”
20.16 There must be Journalist responsibility. We have destroyed our economy.
20.17 Launch an enquiry into newspapers. They cannot be entitled to the licence fee Journalists. Health agencies and government have been misleading and causing fear.

20.18 Dr Scott Jensen and Dr. Annie Bucoccec came forward about the Death certificates to the CDC .
They said dying “with” Covid is very different from dying from it.
20.19 WHO said deaths would be about 3 - 4 % as part of global cases but the global “cases “are really people immune. Is there an increase in the number of deaths? People are dying from lockdown because they did not get elective surgery. Plus the suicides.
20.20 There ought to be an enquiry into media and politicians. This is simply a plan to take away our rights and force vaccinations on us. Misdiagnosis has increased cancer rates from 5000 to 30 000
20.21 “It’s almost as though they want to have this apparent spike on cases to justify the Lockdown”.
20.22 Professor Dolores Cahill wants to launch an enquiry into whether RTE has acted responsibly because if you do have hundreds of unnecessary deaths, it’s almost a crime against humanity and if you know there is a prevention and she believes they must lose their licence and that there must be an enquiry into the health agencies and the government because they have been misleading, incorrect and causing fear She personally will take a legal case against mandatory vaccinations. A vaccine is not supported by the evidence.
20.23 10 12 from end “This is the greatest con in the history of time”.
20.24 8 from end “Viruses circulate all the time. We can not permit a systems where government can impose things based on viruses.” No medical reason. “This is all a hoax. If you boost the immune system with vitamin C, D and zinc and use hydroxychloroquine for those who go further it will suffice.”
20.25 Nobody needs to be indoors. Civil servants are being paid but taxi drivers and Small businesses are losing their income.
20.26 It’s almost like the government wants to ruin Ireland..
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