#hiking #mountains #pacificcresttrail


85 Views - Published on 05 Jul, 2022

⁣Ned Tibbits, Director/Instructor.

Besides having nearly 50 years of wilderness experience, 31 of which as a wilderness skills instructor, Ned brings a lot of training to the school. He has worked as a U.S.F.S Wilderness Ranger, Rural and Urban Paramedic, Professional and Volunteer Ski Patrolman, Sheriff’s Department Search & Rescue Member, and currently maintains certificates in Emergency Medical Technician-Instructor, NOLS Wilderness EMT, the National Ski Patrol, the Wilderness Medical Society’s Fellow and Diploma in Mountain Medicine status, Amateur Radio, and Search & Rescue Instructor. He is a graduate of the University of California at Davis in English and Physical Education and received his Paramedic training at Stanford University. Ned has thru-hiked the Pacific Crest Trail (1974), bicycle-camped 5,000 miles in Europe (1979), completed half of the Continental Divide Trail (1980), and hiked, skied, and snow-shoed his favorite trail, the John Muir Trail many times. He has been married to his wife, Juliee, for thirty-two years and they have three children.


⁣This Planet Earth Needs a Lot of Help from ALL of US, Right Now! Dean Val of NUUU~Nations United UNUversal UNUversity is contacting people Around This World Everyday to share the importance of The ALLNaturALL Environment Supporting ALL of US. Dean Val & Duane Lee Heppner.org 501C3, have created ‘CAN~Community Action Network’ to Help ALLCommunities become aware of How to Be SelfSufficient with PermaCulture & Food&RainForests. We are always looking for RealPeople to StepUp who want to Learn what Life on This Earth is all about. We will be leasing large portions of land to create Something Wonderful for ALLCommunities Everywhere! Contact: Val Vitols on Skype & Facebook & 1.408.990.6627, to get involved with what We ALL ‘CAN’ DO Now!Or through the website provided below.


⁣Nubooks 2 and 6 (free downloads)... https://ufile.io/faut8yq4


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