2 years ago


“Words are LiteralCreations for the FiveBodies & Faculties for UNaware People to relate to as to what has been created in Creation. Thru lifetimes of whatever experiences happen from the Choices that are made, THE ISSSNISSS ALLLIFEIS IS UnSeeen, until the Choice of a Decision is made to Recogn’IS’e Morrre than what has already taken place in Cause&Effect Creation. The InventedSystems market their misinformation, because they too have been misinformed, and so they keep the same silly old ‘traditions&rituals' going to Kontrol Others to Their Restricting Conformities. The possibility to Become MoreAware and to BE a SeeeingBEing of RealLight IS Always Posssible. The World Population has been Purposely Exposed to what is the Most Restrictive to unaware people. IT IS a Huge Challenge to SeeeBeyond Creation, because the KontrollingSystems are very good at SubliminalSeduction. Most unaware people do not realize they are operating FiveBodies with Their RealAwarenisss, as The RealU cannot be Seeen with the Created PersonalSelf. To be able to Truly Recogn’IS’e what ALLLifeIS IS WithOut Words that have been known in all of Creation. First, there is Creation with the ongoing MultiTasking Parts that seem to be endless and actually only lead to more confusion for lifetime after lifetime, because Nothing can ever be resolved in Creation, as it is Cause&Effect in Motion. Then ThereIS The ReALLL UNUversisss of Endlisss Freeenisss with NO Authorities Ever that cannot be decided or described in the PersonalSense as Living on Earth can be. Very Few will Take The Risk to SeeeMorrre than what they have known. ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS, The RealAwarenisss each FreeeBEing AlreadyIS. There are NO Words with ALLLife… Only RealFreeedom and moreso than what can be considered!

⁣Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association ⁣

⁣'THE UNUVERSAL FREEEBEING TRUCOURSE’ for Everyone on This Planet Earth

⁣This Planet Earth Needs a Lot of Help from ALL of US, Right Now! Dean Val of NUUU~Nations United UNUversal UNUversity is contacting people Around This World Everyday to share the importance of The ALLNaturALL Environment Supporting ALL of US. Dean Val & Duane Lee 501C3, have created ‘CAN~Community Action Network’ to Help ALLCommunities become aware of How to Be SelfSufficient with PermaCulture & Food&RainForests. We are always looking for RealPeople to StepUp who want to Learn what Life on This Earth is all about. We will be leasing large portions of land to create Something Wonderful for ALLCommunities Everywhere! Contact: Val Vitols on Skype & Facebook & 1.408.990.6627, to get involved with what We ALL ‘CAN’ DO Now!Or through the website provided below.

⁣The NUUU~Nations United UNUversal UNUversity’.is dedicated to supporting andProviding a RealPurpose & RealAwareness with The ALLNaturALL Environment Supporting ALL of US with. First Comes This Earth with Food&RainForests and to Protect what is Still Here!For Those who have the Awareness to See what is Actually Taking Place Here with ALL the Natural Devastation, which is also PurposelyPlanned by WorldKontrollers, You now have a RealOpportunity to StepUp and ‘Do Something’ with Those who also Care about Your Planet Earth! Duane Lee Heppner has created ‘The NUUU~Nations United UNUversal UNUversity’ which completely entails The ALLNaturALL Environment EveryWhere and a RealEducation that has RealValue, and that far surpasses any ‘commonly created’ indoctrinating educational system that Does Not Focus on What Sustains ALL of US NaturALLy! RealSurvival MakesSense with Everything Here That is SelfSustaining..

⁣Nubooks 2 and 6 (free downloads)... ⁣
The Charles and Duane Africa Show Dialogues Volume one... ⁣
​The Charles and Duane Africa Show Dialogues Volume two.. ⁣
​The Charles and Duane Africa Show Dialogues Volume three.. ⁣
​Kevin's book of Real Side Dream Experiences(free Download) ... ⁣
​Kevin's book of Real Side Experiences Book 3 (free Download)... ​⁣
​Kevin's book of Real Side Experiences Book 4 (free Download)... ⁣
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