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55 K Views - Published on 14 Aug, 2023
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⁣🌅Journalist Kerry Murray ⁣➡Psyop: TikTok Gangs ⁣⁣➡Wildfires in Maui ⁣➡Satanic Music: Doja Cat ⁣https://www.unitedfreepress.org ⁣⁣🌅 Broadcaster James Henry House: Alternative Media ⁣http://www.radioquk.com ⁣⁣🌅 Researcher Dan Stevens: Was Covid A Cover For Geo-Engineering? ⁣https://twitter.com/Dan__Stevens ⁣⁣🌅 Tony Jeffries: 'The Bitcoin Guy From Liverpool' ⁣https://twitter.com/TonyJefferies ⁣⁣🌅 Clive de Carle: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes ⁣➡ More Energy ⁣➡ Ending Neuropathy Answering Viewer Questions ⁣https://clivedecarle.com
Sonia Poulton

Sonia Poulton

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 bill Avatar
bill - 11 months ago
If your access to the Internet is cut, then Bitcoin is not accessible.

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
Cilantro can apparently help rid the body of some heavy metal toxins

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
I guess it all comes down to whether or not one believes in germ or terrain theory...maybe you could do a show highlighting the difference between the two

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
Folk need incorporate more herbs and spices on a daily basis into their diet - they will find that they are less likely to become ill - one has to remember that getting ill is your bodys response to toxins - when you becomeill` your body is detoxifying - this is a natural process....

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
Clive is spot on - it is all in the diet - but one does not have to spend copious amounts of cash on supplements - just eat the right foods - hit that herb and spice rack daily - you can get all the vits and mins from the food you consume - even if you are vegan - seaweeds are laced with all the goodness your body craves - there is a book called The China Study (T. Colin Campbell, PHD) - this comprehensive study debunks the myths that a plant base only diet is bad for you. I have followed a vegan diet for 30 years and I do not get ill - I do not catch colds or flu - if I do feel under the weather I turn to good old herbs and spices to remedy my ailments and it works a treat every time - even for my dog - he was recently diagnosed withkennel coughI started putting honey and turmeric in his food and he is nowkennel cough` free - my point is there is no need to break the bank - just be mindful of what you consume.

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
Any ailment you experience - this is your body detoxing - it will expel the toxins via fluids - diarrhoea for example ...

 janette53 Avatar
janette53 - 11 months ago
There should be a health warning attached to this guy because he talks absolute gobbledegook

 bill Avatar
bill - 11 months ago
Ballistic missile in that area? Remember Pearl Harbour

 duncan smith Avatar
duncan smith - 11 months ago
THEE SOLUTION . Obviously God doesn't want us to suffer , so He has given a method to change the world . Anyone can participate in it and see for themselves the results and get the knowledge of how and why the world will change . The sankirtan movement is chant and tell others to chant Hare Krishna . Never before has it been so easy . If you have the intelligence to chant you are of the intelligentsia .