truth, vaccine

Dr. Jane Ruby and Mike Adams - The JAB BIO-WEAPON mRNA Technology is SPREADING like a VIRUS!

2 K Views - Published on 30 Mar, 2022
Source "Heath Ranger Report" ---> ⁣

BEWARE of OLDER type "VACCINES" like the FLU Vaccine and the Children's Vaccination Schedule because Big Harma may be SLIPPING the mRNA Genetic BIO-WEAPON Technology into these INJECTIONS!

Dr Jane Ruby on Telegram ---> ⁣

We simply CAN'T trust our GOVERNMENT to do what is RIGHT since they have NOT disclosed what is in the COVID JAB and they have NOT STOPPED INJECTING people with this HARMFUL and DEADLY WARP SPEED Genetic Code BIO-WEAPON POISON called the COVID Vaccine!

The Dr Jane Ruby Show ---> ⁣

This is a NAZI death cult of BIO-Engineers Fauci, Collins ... and many more who are WAR CRIMINALS. Big Harma companies are working together for PROFIT and DEATH ... Congress is DOING nothing to STOP this Big Harma DRUG DEATH MACHINE ... they only ask for Donations to their compaign.

⁣Dr. Shelton & Sue Grey – EVIDENCE of Nanotechnology & Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections ---> ⁣

We have millions of DEAD caused by this JAB! Our instutions have COLLAPSED and they are COMING after law abiding CITIZENS who are trying to STOP this Hostile TAKE DOWN of America. Hospitals are purposefully KILLING patients for PROFIT by following the Government COVID DEATH protocol ... that we, the TAX payers voted for under the CARES act signed by TRUMP! This is TREASON ... Biden is guilty too and the Demonrats and the Reptards ... We the people have to Make it Known that they are Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity!

⁣Judge Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Navy (March 30, 2022) ---> ⁣

We have DECIMATED our Military by POISONING them by this JAB ... And don't forget to thank Trump who wants ALL the CREDIT for this WARP Speed Execution of Americans and our Military by an Experimental Genetic Code INJECTION BIO-WEAPON! Trump NEVER had any REAL intentions of RESTORING Constitutional FREEDOM or leading in the Moral Righteousness of God.

⁣Pfizer CEO says another Covid booster will be needed ---> ⁣

The CEO of Pfizer is DICTATING Global Health Policy ... These JABS are NOT Vaccines ... they DON'T offer any BENEFIT but all RISK. Some of these JABS cause WORSE effects than others ... we simply don't know what is IN this JAB but it's a BIO-WEAPON. We know there is Graphine Oxide in the JAB for some BIO-ID Operating System (Hacking the Code of LIFE) ... DNA repair is disrupted which is causing CANCER.

The SCIENCE of Double BLIND testing of the JAB in comparison to a ⁣Placebo GROUP was NOT done! This violates the FDA rules and is CRIMINAL! And the group was TOLD that if they had ADVERSE CRIPPLING reactions that this was PROOF of how well the JAB was WORKING!

Ironically, America PRIDES itself on STOPPING Hitler's 3rd Reich but the American Government is the 4th Reich and the Nurses and Doctors are FOLLOWING Orders of the Nazi World Order NWO to KILL people by JAB-o-CIDE and DEADLY Hospital protocols!

Mike Adams and Jane Ruby think these Psycopaths like Fauci will be ARRESTED and they will confess to ALL of their WRONG DOINGS and their MOTIVE behind the EVILS that they did. This is HOPIUM and NOT based in the SINFUL nature of man and the Demonic INFLUENCE of Satan upon the world.

The Growing Demand For New DNA Technologies Powers The MRNA Revolution ---> ⁣

⁣Biopharma has been quickly ramping up investment in messenger RNA (mRNA), the defining technology behind the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. With big plans for mRNA-based therapies, companies are racing to apply this technology to treat many illnesses, including influenza, shingles and cancer.

⁣“Vaccines” Are Delivering Payloads For Mass Genocide and Dehumanization ---> ⁣

Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane reveals the worldwide agenda behind the forced injections after numerous intel briefings from military and scientific experts, and then she shows you how CRSPR Technology is used to change your God-given genetic code…disrupting centuries of your familial and human lineage. And in the last segment Dr. Jane shares the evidence on Graphene Oxide - why it’s used and just how toxic scientists say it is.

⁣How mRNA Vaccines Could Treat Other Infectious Diseases Beyond COVID-19 (April 22, 2021) ---> ⁣

⁣Dr. Zev Zelenko tells Mike Adams COVID vaccines are a Depopulation Weapon Against Humanity --->

A video from 5 months ago ...

JABBING is a Blood Ritual Sacrifice to Satan -It's Idol Worship of Big Pharma Vaccines - Immorality - Child sacrifice Molech - The normalization of DEPRAVITY - America is facing the WRATH of God!

The people who are perpetuating this CRIME against Humanity want to Decrease the population and ENSLAVE the rest. The EVIDENCE is CLEAR that the MOTIVE is MURDER by the Government and the Government is SERVING other MASTER ... NOT the PEOPLE!

Media, Academia, Industry all of them dance to the MONEY from Blackrock and Vanguard ... and who are the STAKEholders of these companies .... It's the same group that owns the Central BANKS ... Rothschild and the Zionist!

Will the Zionist Globalist be STOPPED? Dr Zelenko says that GUNS will STOP them and people need to create a parrell society that doesn't follow FDA Tyranny.

FEAR is from the enemy ... we start DYING the moment we are born ... Life is precious but ETERNAL Life is MORE precious. He is Jewish and sees righteousness is by belief in God ... he reads scripture from King David ... but NOT Jesus.
Rogersings NWO News!

Rogersings NWO News!

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