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Sean Ward 'Higher Ground' C4 documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_qDyPqN7p8
Kerry Murray - Journalist, United Free Press. https://www.unitedfreepress.org
- 'This Morning' scandal - and why it matters
- BBC Verify - who is checking BBC fact checkers?
Ada Akpala - Commentator, writer, found 'Different Voices' https://differentvoice.uk
- 'Mizzy' - the wider implications of an 'internet menace'
Emma-Jane Taylor - Survivor, Advocate, Charity CEO https://www.project9010.com
- Rolf Harris Death
- Musician's using child abuse as marketing
- Govt response to Child Abuse Inquiry
Andrew Lownie - Author, Historian http://www.andrewlownie.co.uk
Why is the Royal Family so intent on erasing their history from records? Why all the secrecy?
Philly J Lay - Natural Wellness Guide https://phillyjlay.com
A meditation for missing children
PLUS Our live chat, your news and views & getting this week started right!

shin - 1 year ago
oh and i was up sooo early this morning... thinking if only rise was on...
why didn't i check!
welcome back fam!!!

Drumstick - 1 year ago
Welcome back!
I think Kerry is right: On a BBC "fact checking show" they will cherry pick which stories to bring to light, and label them crazy conspiracy theories. They will probably pick the most outrageous theories and then put ALL theories in that same Conspiracy basket. The MSM have also groomed the public well here...through not just news but also reality tv shows and drama series, so that if you question ANYTHING you are a Tinfoil Hat.

michelle kenny - 1 year ago
how can you say charles will be a good king, its laughable, hes pushing climate change bullshit which is tied into 15 minute cities, he fully supported the convid lockdowns , theres hundreds of other trecherous things he's done, jimmy savilles best friend , the queen handed brussels englands soverneigty with the lisbon treaty, how can you be so deluded to support them Andrew lol?

LdnLady - 1 year ago
Lol Sean maybe I should go back to work in the film industry….I might get some paid work if it’s so great for people who look like me 😂 oh how things must’ve changed really?

Ivywild - 1 year ago
Wow.....I've missed this.

Cavemantrog - 1 year ago
Hahahahahaha the BBC fact checking? Hahahahahahahaha sort your head out when does this phenomena take place?.

LdnLady - 1 year ago
Glad this show is back. Is John Hendon still going to make an appearance? And where’s Iain Muir?
DTB63 - 1 year ago